Sunday, January 8, 2017

Post 5

or today’s post I’ll be writing about a book called “The Zombie Chasers” and more of Overwatch (the game). Before I talk about these two subjects let me just say that today I could write about school, mostly because I wrote about it yesterday. Only if I went to Saturday school, which I don’t, would I be able to write about school. Another reason why is because I usually write about school on Saturday’s post, but today since I have to talk so much about “The Zombie Chasers” I decided not to. School may be a fun subject to most people, and I certainly like school. Its just that sometimes you have to think of more. In the bright side I write about school ever day from Monday to Friday so don’t worry.

Now on to “The Zombie Chasers!”. I started this book about a week ago and just finished it today. These are some of the books that I really like. The boos that I get to choose must have three requirements. A decent amount of pictures, lots of pages, and must have action. If the book I have doesn’t have comedy or action inside of it what can make me want to read it? Its just boring. “The Zombie Chasers” is a book about five kids and one good who find themselves in an apocalyptic world filled with zombies. Before, someone created an antidote that could make them human again. However that antidote unfortunately worn off and now the kids have to try to save the world!

Their are some weird circumstances that you won’t find anywhere else. For one, you can only be infected if you eat meat. If you are a vegan you won’t be infected, and thats a good thing because two out of the 5 kids in the group are vegans. Well actually now one because apparently the vegan ate some meat and turned into a zombie. Another weird circumstance is that the first antidote was actually pop corn that was brain flavored. I don’t know when they found out what Brain taste like, but I sure do not want to know. I mean would you? The brain flavored popcorn was a way to lure the zombies into eating it and they were supposed to be cured. 

 The group of kids have actually met some people who still weren’t infected and have made friends with some of them. One of their friends is a person who they don’t know has turned into a zombie or is still living. The other person isn’t exactly a friend, but a sister to one of the kids. She is also a vegan so they could sue her to good use. In the middle of the story the three kids find themselves in a place called “Bunco’s Fun World” where the sister is found. Then one of the kids called “Rice” uses some of her blood and makes an antidote. However Rice also makes another mistake because he accidentally turned three of Olivia’s parents ( who were already zombies) into highly intelligent zombies.

I won’t spoil the end of the story for you guys because if you do read the book I want to know your reaction. Now I’ll talk about the game called Overwatch that is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Overwatch is team based so you have to work together with your teammates to achieve your goal. Also at the end of the game there is something called “POTG” which stands for “Play of the Game”. This means that at the end of the game it will show the best player and what they did. Some ways to be best player is by getting the largest amount of kills in about 10 seconds. Another way which is pretty are, is to revive all your teammates when they die. The only character that can do this is Mercy because she is the only one who can revive. THE END

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