Friday, April 3, 2015

My Last day before Spring Break and RED ALLEN.

Today I am going to tell you about a story that I read. It is called "The Truth About Red Allen". I sounded a little scary but it is actually very fun.

Today is April 3rd 2015 and Frieday and it is last day before spring break.

We only had half day school and my Dad picked us up from Scholl around 12:30PM and we went to Jersey Mall had some fun and we also bought food from Penda Express sat there and ate our food and watch other people.

Came back to home and started to read the book I didn't finish yesterday and then I read a new book titled "The Truth About RED ALLEN.

You see there was a girl named Calie in the story, who was visiting her cousins for about few days since her parents had to trip to another place for an important meeting. They need her cousins to take care of her while they were gone.

While she stays there some creepy things started popping up everywhere. Like weird noises in the night and raccoons in the trunk of a tree but most of all a mysterious man was wandering around her cousin's backyard. That made her very scary.

One time when Calie was sleeping in her bed she heard weird noises. She was terrified and she slipped in deep bed entire night. The next day a person rang the doorbell. It was a woman named Jane who was a neighbor around their area. Jane asked Calie if she wanted to go horseback riding. Calie already knew how to ride the horse but she still needed extra practice. While she was riding her horse she and Jane found 5 baby raccoons in a tree trunk and that was very confusing.

While she and her cousins were riding their bikes they found Red Allen with a metal box and found that it had a twitching noise to it. But Allen found them and they ran away. Another time when they were playing flashlight tag and Calie was found by Allen.

They found out that the man is just a normal person who wants to protect his cat and the cat was what was making those weird noises. The raccoons were bothering his cat so he keeps on putting them to the other side of a river in order to stop them from scaring his cat. After that they return back to her house and the cousins want to go to her house but that is for another story. I will tell you next time.

                                                              THE END

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