The Bond Between Man and Seal
Kyo son
George uncle
Annawe mother
Kudlah father
Tooky seal
One day there was a boy named Kyo. Kyo was hunting for seals as he usually does. Otherwise he would be carving stones. While he was waiting for a seal to pop out of it's hole he was getting big chunks of ice to form a chair for him to sit on. His father told him that catching seals need patience and skill. Patience because it can take up to 2 hours for a seal to pop out of it's hole to breath and skill in order to spear the fish in the right moment.
Finally he saw a seal pop out of the hole. He was getting closer to the seal but he noticed something strange. Seals are usually always scared when there is a hunter who is trying to kill them but this seal is stating in it's exact same spot showing his shiny silver belly. Kyo knew he just couldn't kill this brave animal so he decided to become friends with it.
When he got to his house he asked his father how can seals not need air for so long when they are in the water. His father told him nothing. One fact though about seals is that the are used for any reasons. Their blubber makes good coating while their fat makes good food to eat and their bones make perfect spears, daggers and hunting knives.
The next day Kyo went back to the hole where he found that brave seal. The seal reappeared again. Fir some reason Kyo wanted the seal to be his friend and he named the seal Tooky. The next day his uncle George came to the arctic to visit them again since Kyo and his family live in the Arctic. He said that he needed to capture a seal and bring it back to the city and into the zoo for a lot of money.
He shot Tooky with a dart and every thought that the tranquilizer dart that shot Tooky was too strong for her and she was dead. Well the were all wrong and that Tooky was only sleeping. So Tooky was returned back to the bay filled with life while uncle George went to the city empty handed.
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