Friday, October 2, 2015

First Fifth Grade Field Trip to Mont Clair University

Today I am going to talk about my field trip to the Mont Clair University. I love the University. When I was in the bus getting ready to buckle up I was sitting with some of my friends. The teacher said we could sit anywhere as long as we don't make a lot of noise. I sat with Lyric and Anthony. Anthony just became my friend and Lyric was a friend on the second day of school.

 We were looking at Lyric's camera and soon enough the battery died. I volunteered to recharge it by switching the position of the battery and trying again. Eventually I figured that my plan wouldn't work so I gave up and handed it back. Then he took out the battery and put it in again. The positioning was the exact same and nothing change at all. When he put the battery in the camera it worked again. I didn't know why. He might have a trick up his sleeve. 

When we reached the University I started to recognize it. When I was in Fourth Grade I went to the exact same place but I didn't get a tour. I only watched a play. Now we got to have a WHOLE TOUR OF THE CAMPUS! It was going to be an amazing trip and after this something else is going to happen.

 As we were walking down the university we got a tour guide.  She showed us what was happening in the school and what the place is like. First we arrived at the theater. We saw a huge set of stairs leading either to the woods or to another side of the campus. Then we went further in and found the cafe hall along with the quiet rooms. People were using their laptops to go on Facebook or even the internet. We were close to the set of stairs down the campus and also through the snack shack.

I think that this is going to be an amazing university for all scholars who attend . I think that when I grow up I want to go to a special college where people are king to one another. Not like whats happening right now. A college is a privilege and an important one. If you get a chance to go to a great college grasp that opportunity and turn it into your goal. Remember making a choice is important. Picking a college and even going to one is a tremendous chance and one in a lifetime. Express that moment with you feelings and never ever doubt yourself.

 I am done with the Mont Clair University field trip but now I am going to talk about a very special sport. The very awesome sport Baseball. We went to the Yogi Bear Museum. Last week Yogi Bear died because he was very old. His wife died last year and so he has a lot of pain. We got to go to the theater they had and we watched a lot of baseball bloopers. Where we watched some of the best players make some of the silliest mistakes. It was so funny. Later on we got to get a tour of the museum. Finally we ended the tour and actually went on the ride home.

As we went home me and my friends played a ton of games. I asked a few questions to my teacher about the places we passed and we went to the school. When we arrived at the school my teacher told us to take out our science packets and answer the questions. I answered a question and got 3 class dojo points. Then I went to aftercare. I did my homework for the whole period. Then I went home.


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