Monday, June 27, 2016


When I woke up from my bed it was 8:00. In my opinion thats late ( already talked about this). Everyone in my family was awake before and they were donwstairs. All except for my sister. She was the one that woke me up. Without her I could've been up at 10:00 or 11:00. Luckily she comes in handy when I need her the most. I immeaditly ate breakfast. Chocolate cereal. You know that cereal that has the wolf on the cereal box. Like its oval shaped and has tiny black dots on it. Thats the one. I may have ruined the cereal for you guys, sorry.

After the cereal I went on my father's computer and I watched some youtube but thats not the only thing I do. There's this one game or two games that I like called and These two games are super fun and very similar except that in your a circle trying to swallow everyone and in your a worm or snake thats trying toil you and take your energy (mana). I triple dog dare you guys to try it. You guys will probably get addicted to it after about 5 minutes of playing time trying to get to the leaderboard. Just so you know Popularmmo's plays this game so you should subscribe to his channel. He has more then five million subscribers. Thats how popular he is. Get it?

When I did this I also remember the first time I subscribed to Popularmmos's  channel. For some reason the Diamond Minecart was the first one I subscribed that was Minecraft based. Guys I didn't write about yesterday for one reasons. I usually do the same thing everyday and have no creativity. I mean whats the point of writing your day if you don't do something different every time. Thats why I always try to add a paragraph that talks about something new every day.

Now I'm going to write about two more new gods for the other two paragraphs.

Ao Huang 

Ao Huang is part of the Chinese Pantheon or religion. He is one out of the 4 dragon gods. People sacrifice or give tributes to him so that they can have calm seas and rivers are contained, but one day Ao Huang got greedy and wanted more tributes. He made an enormous rainstorm that flooded the lands. When they were not given he made tsunami's and devastating storms. The people were so filled with fear they all decided to not mention a single word to the Jade emperor. The god loved his control over the eastern part of China.

SkinArt AoKuang Default.jpg One day a demigod boy named Nezha was playing in the stream. This annoyed Ao Huang and he sent hi s favorite scout to kill the boy, but Nezha defended himself and killed the scout. This enraged the god and he sent in another scout to attack the boy. this scout was also killed. Ao Huang was so enraged he went to the father and told the boy to stop or else he would report this to the jade emperor. Nezha defeated the god and told him to never come here again. Now Ao Huang waits for the day when  he can lise again and strike fear into his land.


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