Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Right now my mom is sleeping in her bed and my dad and sister are about to go outside for some type of car inspection. While they do that I'm here typing on the computer. Well I just wanted to let you know that. Anyway at this time it is 10:11 A.M and I woke up at 6:36 A.M with my dad in the house. So I'm going to talk about everything that has happened between those two time periods (since nothing really happened I am going to put everything to the littlest detail). This morning woke up and checked to see if my dad was there. Once I knew that he was there I went back to my bed and slept for another 30 minutes. I was having a really good dream. It was about how I won this competition at school.
                                                                                                   After 30 minutes I woke up again to the sound of birds chirping outside. It really was elegant and almost a continuous rhythm with so many beats. With that being said I headed over to my sister's bed and started to tickle her. Then she started laughing which let me know that she woke up a few minutes ago and pretended to sleep when I got up. The two of us opened our dad's door and saw that he was on his phone. So the both of us sat on the bed and looked at a bunch of videos in his phone. Some were about North Korea and the United States not being good allies. Another was about how police in India were treating the civilians like trash. It was pretty heartbreaking.
           As soon as the time on my dad's phone hit 8:00 I went downstairs and brushed my teeth. When I finished brushing my teeth my sister started to brush her's and then called my dad downstairs to make breakfast. For breakfast the three of us had oatmeal. I was reading my book "My Land and My People" while my dad was making it so when I saw the coconut milk on the table I was worried, worried because I didn't know wether or not I would like the oatmeal. Then I took my first spoonful and ate it, it was pretty good. After the three of us finished I asked my dad if the thought the coconut milk was good and he replied with "Yeah, you should try it". 
                        That got me really confused because I thought I was already drinking it with the oatmeal. Then he told me the milk in my oatmeal was whole milk because he knew I wouldn't like it. Now this made me feel pretty stupid because I really thought I found out something new today, that I like coconut milk. When breakfast was over I continued reading "My Land and My People". I really do think it is an extraordinary book that talks about the rich and significant culture of the Tibetan people. Unfortunately barely anyone in the world who is not Tibetan know we even exist. The thing that most kids or even adults know about us is that on the map it says "Tibetan Plateau" right next to the big bold letters of "CHINA".
                                                                                                                                  While I was reading my dad went outside and started to clean the car because of the inspection thing that I talked about before. While he was doing that my sister had to tell me that she washed the car ten times with my dad and I did it once (I never asked her). Then I said that I washed it 20 times and she said 25 times. After that we just said random numbers that were way too high. She started saying stupid numbers like "Trillion Billion Gazillion times". Sure those are all numbers but you can't combine all of them together! She even said infinity times!  Infinity is not a number for christ sake! Huh, okay calm down.......... Thats pretty much all I did today because after I  finished reading I started typing. Okay see you next time!

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