Saturday, July 22, 2017

Watch Dogs Two

Watch Dogs Two is a game that came out on November 15, 2016. It was a game that not a lot of people liked, this was because of the previous game that Ubisoft (company) made. This "previous" game is called Watch Dogs". The hype for this game was real, Ubisoft made this game sound so good that everyone wanted it. When the game first came out it won an award for most copies sold in one day by Ubisoft. However, as the days went on this game was getting worse and worse. Its not like the game itslef became bad. It was more so the people playing the game.

The reviews for it dropped down like crazy. People kept on saying this game was bad and horrible. It really shamed Ubisoft. Thats why when "Watch Dogs Two" came out Ubisoft thought that the game would get sold at a very large rate. Unfortunately it wasn't what they hoped for and the game sold 1\4 of copies then it did during "Watch Dogs ". However in my opinion this game is really good. I played lots of GTA (Grand Theft Auto) so the controls were a bit different. Once I got familiar with them this game was really fun, the only downside of this game is the driving. In GTA it is so much easier.

What I'm trying to say is that this game is great and you shouldn't let some previous generation of a game effect your decision. Anyway besides that I went to the libraray on Wednesday because I wanted to get the books on my summer reading list. The thing was that I didn't know which books I had to get because there were specific books. It wasn't like non-fiction and fiction. It was the exact name of a book. I guess the library was having some type of activities because it was full of people drawing or talking to friends.

Besides that nothing really has happened, yesterdya I made a new video on youtube for my channel, but I deleted it quickly because I didn't like it. To think I wasted 3 hours on it, however I am going to make a funny moments video for Watch Dogs Two. Everyone in my house is good and happy. My sister is having another sleepover and is doing good at her summer camp. I am great and nothing bad happening. My mom and aunt sometimes argue about some little things, but for the most part laugh and chat with each other. Nothing bad happening here, dad.

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