Monday, August 7, 2017

Remember last time when I said that my sister went with my mother to a funeral? Actually my mother just dropped her to her summer class. Now that doesn't mean that my mother didn't go to the funeral, it just means that my sister didn't go to the funeral. When my sister comes back I am going to ask her what she did at her school because this morning she didn't know what she was going to do at her school. I think it was because her class has different subjects everyday and sometimes its just random.

Also, yesterday a boy came to my house during the morning. I didn't know he was until my mom told me he wasn't my cousin. Then she told me that my aunt felt bad that I usually stayed home and had no one to play with. Which is why she brought on of her friend's sons so that he could play with me. However it turn the way that I expected it to. I thought the both of us could use my Playstation Four and relax. Well, he did want to use the Playstation Four. Its just that he didn't wanted to play any of the games I wanted.

Thats why in the end I just let him use my Playstation Four for himself since he doesn't have one for himself. That just shows that I am lucky for having such great parents. One good thing did come up though. My aunt asked us wether or not we wanted to go and watch a movie at the newport mall. Before I considered saying anything, I wanted to look at the movies that they had that day. One of the movies was Spiderman: Homecoming. I loved this movie and think that it was great.

After we all (aunt, sister, friend, me) finished the movie I wanted to get something to eat. Thats why I got some Subway and the boy got the same thing. I did not eat it as soon as I got it because I wanted to go and save it for when I went back inside of my house. Once everyone got back inside of house we stayed up for an extra hour and then went to sleep. That day I slept in the living room because the boy was sleeping on the couch and my sister was sleeping in the playroom. Anyway thats it for Saturday! See you later!

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