Since I can't talk about my day because its still early in the morning, I've decided to finish yesterday and then go into Google News. Now let me just go to yesterday's post and check to see where I left off. Okay, so because I left off at ELA class I'll talk about Math and then continue at home. During Math (yesterday), My teacher told my class that we wouldn't be doing any learning. There are two reasons why. One, she wanted to start our second book (volume 2) on Monday. Two, because it was Friday and the school is implementing "Class Dojo", we have "Fun Friday" where the class just relaxes and watches a movie or plays a game. I don't understand why we don't have Fun Friday in homeroom but best not to think too much about it.
What we did yesterday for Fun Friday was play "Jeopardy". I know Jeopardy is an actual show where contestants take a type of quiz and rack up money if thye get the question correct. It seems really hard considering how there is so much information in the world to undertand so you don't know what your going to be quizzed on. From, dinosaurs to the "Holocaust" or even the "Vietnam War". The possibilites are endless, in my opinion it seeems that winning money must be for the extremely luckly people. My teacher grouped my class into four teams. I was in team 4, my teacher even gave each team a buzzer that they could press once they got their answer. To be honest it was pretty fun and lasted until the class was over so I have no objections over it.
Now, when I got off my afternoon bus it was hard to see cars because of the snow falling down. Fortunately, I got pass safely without any trouble. The thing that really bothered me was how cold it was. The snow was even getting inside my sweater so I had to wear my back pack like I was pregnant. Once I walked inside the house I saw my dad and sister waiting for me in the kitchen. While eating my lunch the two of them were changing their cothes. I decided to not finish my food because I was full and go into the bathroom to change as well. When I was in the bathroom I had an idea. Why not made a family "meeting" where we all sat down and decided to make some changes. This seemed like a pretty good idea to me and I was even more happy when my dad agreed to do it.
So all three of us sat at the table with one pencil and paper. We started from the morning all the way to the end of the day. For the morning my dad and I didn't have any changes needed. However, my sister wanted to be "extra" and say that I should wake up earlier. Whats wrong with waiting a few more minutes in bed? Since we couldn't do anything to change the "school" the last thing on the list was for after school (when back home). My dad stated that he could change our (sister and I) bedtime from 8:00 P.M to 9:00 P.M which I immidiately voted for. Then I decided to make a change on permitting the use of the "Playstation Four" on Fridays because even though I can "supposedly" already do that, sometimes my dad says no. With this, he can't say that anymore now that its on the paper.
That is all for the day, now Google News!
The "Top Stories", "World", or "U.S" aren't something that normally like to talk about. However even though there is a new Overwatch (game) story on Google News I've decided to take a break from that. Since the only subject other than gaming and Technology is North Korea or at least in the news I'm going to talk about that today. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urges North Korea to halt its nuclear weapon testing for the time being , at least until America and North Korea can talk about the nuclear weapons program. However, with the White House not supporting Tillerson and North Korea barely even concerned there aren't any high hopes for Tillerson's message to be received. The news story says North Korea will not stop its Nuclear Missle Program for any means.
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