After waking up the first thing I did was check outside to see if it was snowing. Fortunately it wasn't so it wouldn't be as cold as yesterday. Then I waited another 5 minutes in my bed because I felt so warm and knew that once I got out it would be chilly. And like I thought, when I finally got out of my bed the walk downstairs was cold. That is why I immediately tried to put on my sweater as fast as possible and eventually got warmer. For the rest of the morning I put on my school clothes and got ready to drop my sister. However, my mother came at 7:00 A.M abnd brought breakfast from McDonalds. Besides that, she told me that she would drop my sister which gave me more time to eat the breakfast.
The rest of the morning was my mom coming back from the bus stop and wanting to talk to me about a few things like a haircut or what to do on the weekends. Once we finished talking I put on my back pack and left the house for my stop. The good thing was that the bus didn't come late because if it did I would have been standing in the cold wind. When I got off the bus I walked into the building and up some stairs to my homeroom. The the breakfast the school gave my class was some smalll muffin and milk so I didn't want it. And besides, why would I want school breakfast when I just ate a "McMuffin" from McDonalds? Another thing I noticed was that my regular teacher wasn't there so we got a substitute.
For the whole day, I was wondering why he didn't come to school. He did not seem like the type of person to not come and teach his students. Mr. Correa even stated that if his students behaved bad, he would teach only for the purpose of them learning. I guess I'll see on Monday why he didn't come. Him not being at school today was kind of unsatisfying because I really wanted to turn in my essay. Now that I can't the feeling of having an essay with me and possibly losing it makes me worried. Some highlights of the day were two. Technology and ELA, usually it would be Dance instead of ELA but because my Grammer teacher wasn't here as well, the class was not as fun and energizing.
During Technology, I finished the assignment given so I played on the computer with my friends. The game we played was called, "Shell Shock 2 Live" and I really enjoy it. However, I soon realized everyone in the class was playing "Cartoon Strike" (used to be favorite game) and I really wanted to show them who was the best player so I switched games. Unfortunately, my game crashed before the round ended so I wasn't even playing (the thing that triggers me the most was the fact that I was the top player, however once the game crashed and I had to reload, my statistics were gone from the match. The reason ELA class was a highlight for me was because I finished the work given to me and even got to draw (my drwaing was thrown in the garbage).
Google News!
So apparently, Donald Trump thinks that the FBI is "Disgraceful". The reason behind this is in the article itself stating that the FBI has not been handling politically sensitive cases correctly. He has the guts or nerve to say this right before leaving a ceremony of 200 law enforcement officers graduating to become FBI. Donald himself states that he will change the way the FBI is into something that America can appreciate and know that the FBI is looking out for them. For some reason, Trump also mentions a gang in America called, "MS-13" which is apparently a violent gang group that were just a few days ago trying to kill a lost teen boy at Long Island. Trump has linked this to the two terrorists attacks saying that the terrorsits themselves have only came to America because of a visa lottery. I guess Donald really lcares a bit too much about the immigration system.
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