Once the bus dropped me off at school the first thing I did was walk to my class. There, most of the students were getting ready for the first period. While getting ready for Social Studies my homeroom teacher switched me with Jadan (a kid who likes to talk a lot). Thankfully, I know I wasn't the reason because my friends told me. Social Studies wasn't as fun because we had a substitute teacher. Now I know whenever there is a substitute teacher many kids love it. However, my actual Social Studies teacher is funny and nice so when I get an old man who just talks about his past it isn't exactly "the bomb". We just watched the same Black Anthem song and the same Martin Luther King Jr. speech.
By the time Social Studies was finished most kids were already getting ready for P.E. I ran to the front of the line just so I could hold the door. This is because it feels good whenever people say "thank you". The warmup was pretty boring because it was the same every day. However, when my class actually tried to play a game it was a disaster! Basically, everyone had to try and get inside the small circle that was in the middle of the floor. If you got in before the timer was out you were safe. Unfortunately, anyone who was stuck out the circle had to do some type of exercise. The second try of the game when terrible. So many kids were pushing each other because they didn't want to be out the circle. There were 3 kids who fell down and got hurt (that's why I called it a "disaster").
Since it was raining there was no recess and most of my classmates were very sad about this. Though at the same time they all knew this was going to happen. You see, during Social Studies the rain was pouring so hard that the window sounded like it was going to crack. At certain points, I couldn't even hear the speech that was on the screen. Something else that's really weird is how the projector is purple! Ever since last week, the projector has been showing everything purple instead of its usual color. That's the reason when we watched the Martin Luther King Jr. speech everything looked weird. The only good thing about this was how it made everything on the screen look funky. While watching "Hidden Figures" everyone in my class was complaining, unfortunately, we didn't know what was causing it to be that way.
The period after Lunch was Technology and I was able to play "Bullet Force" with some of my friends. When Technology was the teacher reminded me that today (after Technology) was the start of "Gifted and Talented". So I told the other kids who were in "Gifted and Talented" to come with me to the computer room. Once everyone got there the teacher explained that we were going to be doing "Stem" which stands for "Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math". For today's first class we were supposed to be doing some type of competition. There were two teams, and each team received 40 blocks. We had to use those blocks and create something that everyone knows about or is famous, such as the "Seven Wonders of the World".
Google News
Nothing else "Interesting" happened during school today. This post is going to be about "Overwatch" (my favorite game) but I promise you that I only talk about "Overwatch" when something important (to me) happens. Yesterday, I was notified by this story about the last new skin coming out for today's update. It is for "D.Va", she is my favorite Overwatch character because her move-set is particularly my style. I like the way, she has supposedly two lives (one for her mech and one for herself). Besides that, she can shoot missiles and even fly while in her mech. The new skin is based on some old concepts for the basic character. Before, the logo on her jumpsuit was a cat. However, after a few discussions "Blizzard" (company) has decided to change it into a bunny. This new skin goes back and changes her character into some type of cat! It looks really cool and I know many players like it as well. Anyway, until next time!
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