I just finished reading "Spirit Animals: The Evertree" and it took me about 3 days. I'm fairly sure that this is the last book in the series and that "Marie Lu" (bestselling author) will probably make another one based on this. Anyway, I really like this book because of the way it ends. Instead of just saving the world it also lets the characters reunite with their loved ones and they don't have to make any sacrifices. Let me tell you what I mean by "sacrifice". You know how usually whenever the protagonist defeats the final boss in a video game or just kills the bad guy? Usually, in those stories, the hero has to make a sacrifice or lose something in return. For instance, maybe a group of people try to find a treasure in a maze but while they are escaping someone gets trapped and dies. So in order to get something they have to "sacrifice" something else in return. In this book, the four heroes didn't have to lose their spirit animals in order to save the day because they're spirit animals already sacrificed themselves in the previous era.
Let me summarize this book right now.
So as of now Rollan, Conor, Abeke only have two out of the 11 talismans needed to save the world from complete destruction. Gerathon and Shane have the other 9 ever since Shane betrayed Abeke and stole the talismans. The three of them have been having weird visions about the end of the world, especially Conor. Rollan is just worried for Meilin since she was captured by Shane and taken hostage. Then, Gerathon (who is one of the Great Beasts) made Meilin drink the "Bile" which is a type of liquid that makes you under his control. Rollo, Abeke, and Conor have started their journey with other green cloaks to save Meilin and not let Gerathon and Shane release Kovo the Ape. Kovo the Ape is a great beast that plans on gathering all of the talismans and destroying the Evertree. This is a special tree where all life began on Earth, Kovo plans on destroying this tree so that he can have all the animals bow under his rule.
Gerathon and Shane are both on his side, Gerathon is on his side because they are both "Great Beasts" and both plan on using this world for evil. However, Shane just wants to rule as the "Devourer" over the earth. Later does he realize that Kovo the Ape does not plan on letting him have that power. Soon enough, Abeke, Rollan, and Conor have reached the "Conquerers" base where they plan on freeing Kovo from his prison. That was what they were planning on doing this whole time, and the Green Cloaks just want to keep Kovo inside of his cell. Otherwise, it will be very hard to stop him from getting all the talismans and bringing chaos and ruin to the world of Earth. Thankfully, they retrieve Meilin and are able to rid her free from "Gerathon's Bile". However, while they were doing that Kovo's chains were broken by the Conquerers and he is now free.
Now that all four of them are together Conor feels like they could take on Kovo by himself, however Gerathon and another former great beast, "Halawar" are also there to defend him. That's when Tellun (strongest great beast), and the other eight creatures team up with the four (Abeke, Rollan, Conor, and Meilin) to defeat them. At the end of the day, the talismans are rescued and Kovo, Gerathon, and Halawor have disappeared into a flash of light. The other beasts that helped the four kids left themselves the fate of the world was back in balance. It has returned to the state in which it used to look like, unfortunately, the Evertree is gone but a new seed has taken it's place and will one day grow back healthy and fresh so that other humans can link up with spirit animals themselves.
Google News,
So apparently, there is this woman in Florida that was LITERALLY eaten by an Alligator. I'm honestly curious as to how this happened, was she dragged into the ocean and then killed or did just get her leg ripped off? This is because reports show that her body had bite marks on it. The woman was reported dead and many people are sad and astonished by it, especially the woman's family. I can understand how she died because she was around 47 years old but a bit disappointed that she was an Asian person. Although, I don't know how she looks like just judging from this name, "Shizuka Matsuki". And to think that her husband was on a trip far away from home too, man this is really sad. Apparently, Shizuka was just walking her two dogs when an alligator sneaked behind her. Eyewitness reports say that one of her dogs had a big scar on it that looked fresh. Let me know what you think.
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