Thursday, August 30, 2018

Walk to Lincoln park with New Phone

Yesterday I went to Lincoln park and decided that I would finally do a little bit of exercise. Last year on August I did the exact same thing even though right now it’s July. Anyway, I downloaded this app on my phone called, “Runtastic” and I think that it is very helpful in situations like this. The app tells you how many miles you’ve ran, how many calories you’ve burned while walking or running, and also the time it took you to run or walk that mile. Since I actually wanted to see progress I decided to run instead of walk because running seems to burn more calories and lessen the time taken. I wonder just how the app can tell you how many calories you’ve ran, it’s just so mind-blowing that technology has gone this far. It’s just something that’s caught my attention. When I came back home I showed my father the app and he seemed interested. 

Something else happened yesterday while I was walking back home but IA don’t know the full story. Apparently, some woman was being surrounded by two asian ladies that were yelling to call the police. The lady was getting pretty pissed off (sorry for the language but it’s probably the best word to use) because they were yelling in her ear. The woman was telling them that she had the police on her phone but they must not have known English that well because they continued to yell eventually. The woman started getting really “mad” and hit the both of them as a sign to back off but the two asian woman prevailed. I’m assuming that maybe they ran a Chinese restaurant and the woman stole something, or maybe the woman didn’t do anything at all. Let me know what you think about this. 

I was on Google News and stumbled upon this one story about mosquitos and how a specific breed can give you the “West Nile Virus”. I don’t know why they called it the “West Nile Virus” but it sounds pretty scary and cool at the same time also kind of Egyptian. Anyway, it can cause mild headaches and rashes just like any other mosquito. I honestly haven’t done enough research to what makes it special or more dangerous compared to regular mosquito bites but it seems to have start spreading in Texas and made its way to South Dakota as of today. The main reason I wrote about this is because I hate mosquitos since their just so annoying and disgusting, but I don’t want to kill them since their creatures so I try to just shoo them off. 

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