Saturday, October 6, 2018

Yesterday I had a great time at Lincoln Park  and I was having some quality time by myself. Anyways, I had a good time at the track field. Now the track field is a place at Lincoln Park that I previously thought was private or you needed to join a cetain club to be in. But after further research I realized that it was for free and no one could tell you to stop. So after coming home and watching a couple shows of "Ghost Adventures" with my sister I rode my skateboard to the park. Today I was able to loosen the "trunks" on my skateboard so that I could turn easier. 

Because before I had to literally plant my foot backward and apply enough force that the wheels would suddenly turn to another direction. This feeling really gave me the chills, even if I was just standing and practicing it. However, today while I was searching for some batteries I saw a wrench and decided to make my wheels loose. That way I could just lean over to one side and it would move like that. This is actually the recommended way for people to ride their skateboards so I was pretty happy to find the wrench. Side note: the reason I was looking for the batteries was because the keyboard wasn't working. 

At the track field there is also a little area at the back that has a "stretching", area but in reailty most people use it to do calisthenix. It's basically a form of excercising other than weightlighting (using weights). The reason it's different from weightlighting is that inside of lifting a couple of weights you actually use your own body weight to excercise and train your muscle groups. So excercises like push-ups, dips, and pullups are the main ones that really give people the image of calisthenix. I'm not even sure whether I'm pronouncing this right. The reason I'm using this method of excercising is because it helps with your mobility and that relates to soccer. 

Meanwhile, weightlighting is just having big muscles, it doesn't help make you faster or do better in sports. If you wanna be able to life 100 pounds, then sure, weightlifting is the way to go. I just want to see results throughout my body and make me physically better as well, that blend well with what I like to do (soccer). The first thing I did was one lap around the track and it didn't take long, however my heart was beating super fast and I don't know why. After a couple of minutes my breathing turned back to normal and I was comfortable doing some pushups and sit-ups. And what really makes me confused is how the next 4 laps I did were so much easier than the first. Maybe my lung capacity suddenly got better over time? 

Now that sounds ridiculous, and the truth is, it is. Because how could my body suddenly feel better after doing more laps. Realisticly, my last lap should've tired me out the most. Unless, I was walking a pretty long distance from here to Lincoln Park so maybe that was the reason why I got super tired. I did only take like a 5 second break to stretch my legs... Yeah that was probably the reason why... Afterwards, I continously spent at least a couple of minutes before my arms started to feel a little tired, since that was what I was using most of the time. It only got a rest when I was doing reps of sit-ups (my first excercise that I did that day). That's it for today's post!

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