Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Today I was super hyped because I won my team our spot in the playoffs and a chance to win against all the other teams in my class. I don't know if you understand, but basically my team is mainly girls and then 3 boys. Well, actually 2 boys because the 3rd one was transferred out to another class for no reason. I don't exactly know why he left, but apparently it wasn't his choice (coming from his mouth). 

But don't worry, it wasn't anyone in the advanced class so I'm not worried about that just yet. The other class probably just needed some more students and decided to take it out of my class. By the way, I didn't know about this until lunchtime because the 8th grade didn't have recess outside. According to the teachers it was too cold but I find this ludicrous. I mean, come on! 

Can't you handle a little chill? I guess they don't want parents doing the school because they let their kids go outside in the cold weather and go sick, but that just seems wild to me. Anyways, back to what I was talking about. The physical education class before my team and another were 1 to 1 and it was taking way too long to decide a winner. Even after the regular overtime, so my teacher said that we needed to pick two people from each team to represent in this battle. I was going to be a 2v2, one player each and one goalie each. I was the player since my teammates knew I was the best player as of yet. 

Then we spent another 2 minutes trying to decide a victor until eventually it was taking too long again. My teacher said that during this stage usually they would just do a 1v1 without the goalies and believe me this took way longer then I thought it would. After another 5 minutes even I was a bit annoyed of hearing everyone say, "Rinchen!" and "Adonis! (other challenger)". That's when my gym teacher said that we were supposed to take free shots until one person scored. I was really surprised at this and happy because long shots were my specialty, that is until I heard that he was going to go first. 

I felt like it was going to be fair if he scored first but he didn't and I started getting a lot of pressure. If I didn't score then he would get to go again and I had a feeling he'd make it the second time around. So I came up with a foolproof plan to secure my goal fast and easy. I was by shooting so fast at the goal that he wouldn't have enough time to block it. And that is exactly what happened, everyone was saying, "Rinchen! Rinchen!" because after this battle that took almost 20 minutes it was finally over, and your asian boi scored! Believe me, that entire match I was tired and sweaty. The kid and me literally looked at each other rested because we were both so tired. 

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