Friday, December 28, 2018

The Storm Runner Part 5

Now I am already almost finished with the book yet I am still not even past the first 50 pages of the book and there are about 430 pages in total. and I've written almost 25 paragraphs so that is pretty embarrassing. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong and that is going to change right now. I last left on the part where Au Puch gave Zane the mark on his arm and from there this is where the story starts to get into its climax. I am going to be very vague now because I need to cover like 300 pages in 4 paragraphs so get ready (I am almost finished with this book, by tomorrow I should be ready to finish). 

After Zane went back home he had decided that him, Brooks, and Hondo would go and meet up with the hero twins who had supposedly defeated Au Puch long ago. Brooks warned that they are probably one of the worst people he will ever meet and can be extremely sneaky at times. Zane was of course unprepared to hear this but knew there was no other way and together they got in a car and headed towards Venice beach. The brothers were having a birthday party and were inviting a ton of people who they knew. However, most of the people there were just planning on trading stuff that was magic. Zane wondered what ordinary humans like what he thought he was had magic to trade and then Brooks told him it was their talents. If they were good at something that was considered a talent. 

By the time they arrived at Venice Beach there was a group of demons that didn't look like the ones that Au Puch controlled. They were a little less creepy but still terrifying at the same time. These ones were targeting Brooks and trying to take her to the underworld for some reason that Zane didn't understand. At the end, Brooks was able to defend herself and they were okay but her powers were taken away from her by Ixtab. This is the name of the current god who takes the throne of the Underworld, she had taken Au Puch's place right after he was imprisoned and no one had any issues with her besides Brooks. Ixtab had taken Brooks sister and was only letting her go if she freed Au Puch but it seems that she wasn't able to do it by herself so the deal didn't count and the consequence was her coming to the underworld with her sister. 

Zane thought this was dreadful but had bigger things to care about at that moment. They met a giant named, "Jazz" at the nearest surf shop and he was Brooks friend. Jazz told them where the party was and that they would need to get their fast because it was going to start soon. So because Jazz was an inventor he let them use his latest creation which was a really fast turbo scooter (at least that's what I imagined it as) and it helped them reach the party just in time.

Okay, so I just informed by my father that I have Winter Break work from my ELA teacher and I wasn't informed because I wasn't at school during the last day of school. This means that my teacher didn't inform me where she was going to post the homework and the fact that she sent a separate one in an emailmzkes it even worse. If my father hadn't noticed then I probably wouldn't have been able to do it. It involves me reading the Anne Frank Diary and then having to write some sort of slit paragraph in double spacing lines. Then, on top of that I have to take notes on the document and answer the recall questions which are on the bottom of the text. 

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