Saturday, April 15, 2017

Time (2)

"What do you want to do first?" I said. "Well how about the two of us go to a bar and continue our conversation?" Carver said. "Sure" I said, and the two of us drove in my car to the bar. While we were driving he told me that there was something he needed to do after we got to the bar and finished our conversation. He didn't want me to follow him or stalk him. You know as a father thats kind of hard to do, but since he was above 18 I decided to listen to him (We got to the bar while talking about this). While the two of us were drinking and laughing I wanted to know more about what he was going to do, so I asked him how he was going to do anything without money and he replied there was some money left over in his bank account. 
             As soon as he said that I let the bar thinking he was going to be fine and nothing big was happening, boy was I wrong. When I got home the only thing I did was watch TV and wait for him to come home. 5 minutes later I got a text message from him saying that he needed my help for something. So I texted back asking "what do you need help with?", and he texted back with "Just Come!". This really confused me. What could he be needing help with? Its only been 2 hours since his release for prison. Then I got worried. What if it was something big? Could I even do anything? The questions I was asking myself were endless. I was so paranoid.
             Thats when I stopped questioning myself and got into the car. He messaged me the coordinates to his destination and I drove there. I already wasted enough time worrying about whats going to happen, might as well just do it. When I arrived at the destination I didn't see a single person in sight. Then out of nowhere a gun shot fired and I hid behind my car. This could really be serious I thought. When I thought the coast was clear I peeked a bit under the car and saw Carver on the floor! He looked like he was dead, but then he opened his eyes and got up. Then I whispered to him "Carver......Whats happening.......". He looked at me and then walked over. What'll happen next?


Did you guys like my story called "TIME"? Tell me in the comment section. Well anyway now that I finished that I still have two more paragraphs left to write on so lets keep on going. Yesterday I was playing my favorite game "Overwatch" and it was really fun hanging out with my friends in a group and playing together. I liked it so much. While I was playing "Overwatch" I remembered the update. There was an update on the game based on the comic that the  company made called "Uprising" and it is super cool and fun. Basically there's this new game mode which you can play with a group of 4 people and fight bots to move the payload to the checkpoint.

After I finished playing my game my dad told my sister to tell me that I had to go to park. I really hated it so much but I still had to go so I grabbed some water and walked to the park. When I got the park only a few of my friends were there but I still had fun. We played dodgeball and all of my friends had a tournament to see who was the best. Fortunately I won because I threw my ball at the gate and it bounced and hit him. I was so happy!

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