I've decided that for today's post I'm just going to talk about yesterday. It's not a hard topic and hopefully is long enough to fit 4 paragraphs. When I woke up it was actually around 8:00 A.M. I heard my sister and dad watching a video in his room. Because there was nothing for me to do I quietly headed over to their room. There, I got into the covers and watched the video with them. The "video" they were watching was on the "Ellen Show". Ellen was pretending to be one of those touring guides. Everyone was in one vehicle and the tourists were in the back. Ellen (fake tourist guide) and the driver (who was also part of the act) continued to look around and spot unimportant things. The tourists were laughing and two of them knew that it sounded like "Ellen".
In the end, she finished off the tour saying "Even though we couldn't find any famous people, you still have me" (I'm pretty sure it was something close to that). Then Ellen proceeded to walk out of the car and say hi to the nice people at the back of the vehicle. They took pictures of Ellen before driving off to another destination (mystery). It was a pretty funny video be honest. My father clicked on another video relating to the "Ellen Show". We only got through 3 minutes of it because my dad didn't like it. The man in the video was recording himself asking Ellen for help. He knew that Ellen helps people (he didn't know for a mischievous intent) and asked if she could help his daughter. The girl was probably in her teens and cussing to people in their cars (not at the father).
The man said that his daughter was falsely put in prison (I forgot why) and mistreated there. The doctors tested a new drug on the girl without any authorization. As time went by the girl told the guards she needed to see the doctors because she wasn't feeling well, unfortunately, they did not answer her. A long time later, the doctors came to check up on the girl and found out she had some type of disease (tumor I think). That was as far as we got to the video. After my dad told us to go downstairs and get ready for the day he gave my sister and me a choice. 1. Keep on with the initial plan to go downstairs or 2. Stay upstairs and eat breakfast there. Since the last time my sister and I ate upstairs (in bed) was a while ago we agreed with the second choice.
Right before he left to go downstairs my dad gave my sister and I some electronics to use. An iPad and his phone. I got the iPad which was better because it had a bigger screen. What I watched was mostly "Overwatch" and some of the favorite YouTubers. A new one called, "TheOddOneisOut" is all about animation videos. I really love the way he turns such simple subjects into hilarious content. One of his videos was about movies and he described ever a movie that disgusted him. From Disney movies to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Even a short part of the video was a sequel to "Charlette's Web". He didn't make the "sequel" but talked about one that he loved as a kid.
Google News
I know I was supposed to talk about the whole day but 4 paragraphs are four paragraphs. Can't go any higher than that. Besides, those two were my favorite yesterday anyway. Now let's get right into the news! The news that I found today was not on the "Suggested for You" page because it was about Murder. Why would they suggest me about murder? This 23-year-old man named, "Jeffrey Yao" was reported to have repeatedly stabbed a woman in Winchester. Many bystanders watched in fear and horror as the woman was stabbed. One old man (77 years old) tried to aid the victim before getting stabbed once as well. Soon, the bystanders became part of the issue and were able to sustain Jeffrey Yao before he escaped. This just rpoves that the world will never have peace. It's just unrealistic. Hate and anger are emotions that cannot so easily be forgotten. This is it for today's post.
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