Thursday, December 7, 2017


The fourth day of the week and one more day left before the weekend. There are two reaosns that I am really going to enjoy tomorrow. One, its the last day of the week so two days of no school afterward and two, its my sister's birthday and she is really happy about that. You know, is she's happy then I'm happy. Unless she does something to me that makes me unhappy. Anyway, lets start from 6:09 A.M since that was when I decided to get out of bed and walk downstairs. Once I reached the kitchen I checked to see if there was a not but there wasn't so I headed to the playroom. Then I asked my sister to check and see if my aunt was downstairs because my mom said she would be home. 

Technically, she was at home but was leaving in 5 minutes. After she left my sister started putting on her clothes and I was brushing my teeth. I'm going to skip to the part where I drop my sister at her bus stop in order to save a few minutes worth of text. By the time I got back home it was 7:29 A.M so I used the bathroom and started drawing until 8:00 A.M. When it was time to go I walked out the back door while still remembering to lock it. Fortunately I wasn't late for the bus, however it was incredibly boring just standing there waiting for the bus. Skipping 30 minutes.......I'm in my class getting ready for first period when my Math teacher tells me that I'm taking my test during lunch.

The first two period that I had were Science and P.E (Physical Education). During Scicence my teacher gave us a new worksheet to complete that is similiar to the quiz my class is taking tomorrow. I really hope I get a good grade on it. Besides that, the period was pretty fun with the mix of jokes while still completing the work. He even put a rap on the lesson we were on and lets just say it was pretty cringy. Especially when you looked at the guy himself saying the lyrics. Afterward, for P.E my class did our regular warmup and played a game called "Numbers". It is really fun and I enjoy it a lot, basically everyone runs around the gym and the teacher is supposed to suddenly call out a number. 

Whatever number she called you would have to go ahead and find a group of people. Then all of you would sit in a straight line. The amount of people in the line depends on the number. I know my teacher doesn't make these games up because even she admits that most of these warmups are from the internet. She literally types, "Fun Physical Education games". I don't think thats bad because you can't just expect a gym teacher to come up with a new game every time you have a class. The rest of the period was spent playing a tennis version of baseball and don't even get me started with the name of the game. Its not that its bad, its just that I forgot what it was. The rest of my day wasn't fun at all but I got through it in the end.

Google News, you should already know this but I never go into the "Entertainment" or "Sports" section because there is nothing really interesting about them to me. I don't know a single soccer team and only know one football team whihc is the "Giants". The only reason how I know them is because everyone in my class talks about them. And if you thought I was going to talk about them, you were very wrong..... I'm going to go into the Technology section today! The game that I'm getting, called "Destiny 2" is something that I really think I'll like. I know a lot of people don't like it (more dislikes than likes) and the new dlc that came out is not free, but I still enjoy it. However my actual favorite, "Overwatch" just announced the new event that is happening on December 12 and I am extremely excited. I'll finalaly be able to get the skin that I've wanted and waited for a year! Anyway, thats it for today!

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