Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Storm Runner part 3

It just so happens that finally they enter the volcano and see the demon runner picking up rocks and placing them away from what appears to be an entrance. That must've been where Au Puch was being held. So Zane and Brooks cautiously walked on until the Demon Runner saw them behind it. As a way of defense the creature turned its skin into poisonous and it started to all off. Zane and Brooks rushed to retreat but eventually, they were trapped and the poison was traveling in lumpy goop. They found a river and tried to swim under but the Demon Runner was able to get Brooks and start hurting her. Zane wasn't about to let Brooks so he used his cane and special power inside of him to defeat the monster. 

After all, he is half human (his mother's side) and he doesn't know what magical creature his father was just yet. Unfortunately, in the process of reducing Brooks Rosie didn't make it. Zane saw the dog slowly turn to dust due to the poison and asked Brooks where Rosie was now. Apparently, like in most mythologies the dead souls or people usually go to the underworld or in this book it's something called, "Xibalba". It sounds like another god in the same mythology called, "Xiblanque" or at least that's what I think his name is spelled like. Brooks told him that now that his spirit is in the underworld if he were to come back the form would be weird or different, meaning that the dog would probably have like no skin or no head. 

Something undead like, Zane said that he didn't care and thought how different Rosie could have been but I know better (he'll regret ever thinking that). Afterwards, Brooks had to leave and thanked him once again for saving her. But this got Zane worried because if one of those demon runners did that much damage to them then what would a whole army of demon runners accomplish? When he got home he saw Ms. Cab (the old woman who he helped around her house for money), the prophecy teller (Zanerthinks she is bootleg), sitting on the couch. She warned him to not talk to Brooks because Nawals were dangerous (Nawal is basically a shapeshifter in the mythology) and they were known for being snaky/devious. 

But Zane knew better and wasn't going to listen to the words of some old lady. That was, until she told him what she really was. One of the students to the great soothsayer that lived a long time ago in Mayan culture. This specific soothsayer was known for telling the truth and being very helper. One day she made the prophecy that a young boy of half blood and innocence would free Au Puch from his prison after the gods had caged him inside of the volcano. However, when the gods heard this they killed her and thought that she was just telling a lie.

 But, I guess they never predicted how far in the future this boy of half blood and innocence would come for Zane was that boy. When Brooks came back she realized that Zane's father must've been a god otherwise he wouldn't be able to talk to her through his mind and read her emotions. This made sense because the prophecy said someone of innocence and because Zane didn't know his father was half god he technically was innocent. 

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